viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

Day 3 .
Daily Report : Quinto A .
NATACION: En la clase de hoy realizamos actividades de desplazamiento en estilo libre y mariposa.
FRANCES: Formulaire / les vêtements /les achats (début).
·         TEACHER PILAR: we reviewed the use of was/were.  We worked in Student’s book page 36-37 Activity 1, we practice listening skills with songs.  Homework:  to practice with parents the Activity 3 page 37 Student’s book.
·         TEACHER JULIAN: Today we checked and returned previous activities done in class; also we started Unit 7.
·         TEACHER JHON: Today we gave back the quiz to the students. We had a class where we practiced pronunciation singing a song; we also reviewed some vocabulary from units 4, 5 and 6. HOMEWORK: For day 5 “next Tuesday”, complete points 1, 2 and 3 of workbook page 82 with the help of the vocabulary of page 82 student´s book.
·         TEACHER LEYDY: Students worked pages 109-117 in the workbook. Also, they had the progress test back.
MUSICA: Hoy realizamos un ejercicio de dirección de la canción Canon de los relojes.
Thank you
Primary teachers and Coordination

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