lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

Day 1 .
Daily Report : Quinto A .
·         Teacher Copete: Today we practiced on TOEFL Primary Step 2.
·         Teacher Jhon: Today we started unit 6. We learnt about different cultures. We also practiced new vocabulary, reading comprehension and pronunciation.
D.GRUPO: Realizamos lectura por placer y ensayo del baile de semana gimnasiana. Todas las clases por favor enviar el libro del tercer y cuarto período de matemáticas.
FRANCÉS : La ville et le verbe aller au présent .TAREA: La maquette de la ville est à amener pour le mardi 19/09.
·         Teacher Jhon: Today we started unit 6. We learnt about different cultures. We also practiced new vocabulary, reading comprehension and pronunciation.
·         Teacher Julian: Today we worked on Students’ book Unit 6: “In Istambul” souvenirs page 70; also we worked with the structure Should/ Shouldn’t on pages 71 and 124.
·         TEACHER LEYDY: Students worked on pages 82 and 83. HOMEWORK: Work on units 1 to 7 Student’s book pages 118-125. Some of these pages are already done, anyway, students need to have them completed for next day 5.
C.PAZ: El día de hoy trabajamos el tema “Las normas ciudadanas”
EDU.FÍSICA: En la clase de hoy realizamos actividades lúdicas y predeportivas del baloncesto.
Thank you
Primary teachers and Coordination

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